2010年4月9日 星期五

Nan-Cheng's Graduation Recital 04/21/2010

Dear friends, I survived 4 years of Juilliard, yaaayyy!
Please come and celebrate with me, and possibly, enjoy the music....
Hope to see all of you there!

Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Time: 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Juilliard's Pual Recital Hall
Street: 60 Lincoln Center Plaza (65th st. between Broadway and Amsterdam)
City/Town: New York, NY
Free Admission: no tickets required

Akimi Fukuhara
John Tu

Chopin; Sonata in g minor, Op.65
Tchakovsky: Rococo Variations, Op.33


Schuller: Fantasy for solo cello
Brahms: Sonata in e minor, op. 38

大提琴家陳南呈簡介 (中文)

陳南 呈 自 傳

陳南呈,大提琴家,現年22歲。目前剛畢業於美國茱麗亞音樂學院大學部,並繼續攻讀該校碩士學位,師事世界知名大提琴家Joel Krosnick。出生於台灣的陳南呈,曾於11歲獲得1999年台中市市賽大提琴及鋼琴組雙料冠軍,同年省賽大提琴組第三名與鋼琴組入圍,以及2004年台灣行天宮大提琴比賽第一名等。

12歲時,陳南呈赴美就讀加州Idyllwild藝術高中,追隨南加州大學名教授Eleonore Schoenfeld學習。隨後轉到麻州胡桃山藝術高中Walnut Hill School就讀,並參與波士頓新英格蘭音樂學院預校的各項音樂課程,師事預校校長Mark Churchill。並於2005年經由甄試考入新英格蘭音樂學院青少年管弦樂團擔任大提琴副首席,甚受名指揮Benjamin Zander的器重。期間成立鋼琴三重奏Neptune Trio,該團參加國際室內樂比賽如Fischoff National Competition(第四名)、Chamber Music Society of Boston Competition(首獎) 並因此得到知名古典音樂電台From the Top全國電台電視訪問和卡內基音樂廳演出機會。過去幾年暑假,陳南呈受邀參與了世界著名音樂季如KneiselHall,Sarasota Music Festival,Aspen Music Festival,The Banff Center,Heifetz International Music Festival,Encore School For Strings。此外,陳南呈多次擔任波士頓胡桃山音樂營助教,幫助許多赴美求學的音樂留學生,並多次與Lynn Chang,Bion Tsang,陳必先,胡乃元等大師合作演出。

陳南呈精湛的琴藝甚受美國音樂界的重視,並多次以獨奏家身分與知名管絃樂團演出極富挑戰性的曲目。今年三月,陳南呈獲得紐約皇后交響樂團新秀獨奏曲三輪大賽中獲得第一名,並將於2011年與該樂團演出Tchaikovsky的Rococo Variation協奏曲。其他與樂團合作的紀錄包括2006年與委內瑞拉的國家交響樂團Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra演出協奏曲,並於委內瑞拉首演Barber Cello Concerto這首因難度極高而甚少演出的協奏曲,深獲觀眾廣大好評。2005年11月,他以比賽首獎人的身份與Symphony Pro Musica樂團連續兩場演出,得到麻州西部最大報紙Worcester Telegram and Gazette樂評的極力推崇,樂評說:「這種精彩的現場演出,十年才能聽到一次!」其他獲獎紀錄包括2005年Quincy 交響樂團協奏曲比賽第一名,與樂團演出Victor Herbert第二號大提琴協奏曲;2005年Concord交響樂團協奏曲比賽第二名;2005年新英格蘭愛樂協奏曲比賽第二名;2004年新英格蘭音樂學院青少年協奏曲比賽第三名;2003年麻州Metro-West交響樂團協奏曲比賽第一名,與樂團演出Kabalesky 協奏曲。

此外,陳南呈更多次被推薦接受世界級名師指導,例如大提琴家Paul Katz、Laurence Lesser Peter Wispelwey、Orlando Cole、Richard Aeron、Steven Doane、Bonnie Hampton、Timothy Eddy、
Bion Tsan、Clive Greensmith及鋼琴家Andrew Watts、Jonathan Feldman、Joseph Kalishstein、Vivian Wilerstein,Julian Martin、Claude Frank、John Perry、陳必先、劉孟捷,並曾受到小提琴家Sylvia Rosenberg、Donald Wilerstein的高度讚賞。

陳南呈於2006年以全額獎學金考上茱莉亞音樂學院、伊斯曼音樂學院、曼尼斯音樂學院及新英格蘭音樂學院,並於茱莉亞音樂院就讀,為同年錄取的五位大提琴新生其中一位。在校期間,陳南呈因著優秀的琴藝,榮任茱莉亞音樂院管弦樂團大提琴首席。近年來,陳南呈除了獨奏演出,更以室內樂組合表演為重心,受邀於Bargemusic、The Plaza Hotel、Japanese American Association、Juilliard’s Pual Hall、與Alice Tully Hall 卡內基音樂廳等紐約具代表性的表演場地,深獲音樂界好評。

陳南呈2010年的演奏紀錄包括二月起與近日活躍於紐約的室內樂團體Ensemble Tomscha,於Bargemusic等場地進行三場演出。三月份時錄製作曲家Craig Morris的大提琴協奏曲與鋼琴三重奏專輯,並將由Albany唱片公司發行。三月贏得Queens Symphony Young Soloist比賽首獎並與皇后交響樂團於明年演出協奏曲。四月初與世界知名指揮家Leonard Slatkin帶領的JuilliardOrchestra於林肯中心的Avery Fischer Hall演出,並於四月底於茱莉亞音樂院Paul Hall音樂廳舉辦畢業獨奏會,造成全場爆滿。五月份受到紐約鋼琴音樂節(New York Piano Festival)的邀請,於Bechstein音樂廳演出蕭邦大提琴奏鳴曲。六月份參加世界知名音樂節Sarasota Music Festival進行多場演出以及大師班。六月底受邀到駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處「午間音樂會」表演。七月並將於皇后美術館(Queens Museum of Art)「2010星期五護照-台灣之夜」(Target Passport Fridays2010:TAIWAN)代表台灣音樂團隊演出。八月再度受邀至波士頓胡桃山音樂營舉行音樂會。


Nan-Cheng Chen's Biography

Nan-Cheng Chen, cellist

(January 2011)
Cellist Nan-Cheng Chen
A solo recitalist and a chamber musician, cellist Nan-Cheng Chen is passionate about music making and connecting with audiences through the language of music. Nan-Cheng was a soloist with Simon Bolivar Orchestra, Metro-West Symphony, Quincy Symphony, Symphony Pro Musica, and has participated music festivals such as Sarasota Music Festival, Heifetz Institute, Encore School for Strings, Kneisel Hall and serves regularly as a teaching assistant at the Music Festival of Chinese Foundation of Performing Art.

Nan-Cheng’s performance was reviewed by Worcester Telegram and Gazette that stated: “It was the kind of performance one might hear live only once a decade.” Among Nan-Cheng’s many honors and awards are first prize in the 2010 Queens Symphony Concerto Competition, 2006 Chamber Music Society Competition, 2005 Quincy Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, 2004 Hsin-Tian Temple National Cello Competition in Taiwan, and 2003 Metro-West Concerto Competitions. He also won top prizes in 2010 Manhattan School of Music Chamber Music Competition, 2010 Long Island Conservatory Young Artist Competition, 2006 Fischoff National Chamber Competition and 1999 Taiwan National Cello Competition. Nan-Cheng has also been featured on NPR’s From The Top national radio broadcast in 2006.

As an enthusiastic chamber musician, he has appeared in various venues such as Bargemusic, Merkin Hall, The Queens Museum, The Plaza Hotel, Alice Tully Hall and Boston’s Jordan Hall. He is also a founding member of the award winning Neptune Trio, a founding member Ensemble Tomscha that plays regularly at Bargemusic and Ethical Culture Society, and is now music director of the newly founded New Asia Chamber Music Society.

A Native of Taiwan, Nan-Cheng Chen came to United States at the age of twelve and attended Idyllwild Arts Academy in California, studying under Professor Eleonore Schoenfeld of University of Southern California. He then entered the New England Conservatory Preparatory Program at Walnut Hill School in Natick, MA to study with Mark Churchill in 2003. Nan-Cheng received his Bachelor of Music Degree in 2010 from The Juilliard School and is currently at the same school pursuing his Master of Music Degree, studying with Joel Krosnick.

Nan-Cheng’s spring engagements includes directing the New Asia Chamber Music Society to have their first Weill Hall debut in April, a concerto performance with The Queens Symphony in May and a recital three major cities in Taiwan during July.